a couple of weeks ago I spent the day down at Tearfund HQ in deepest darkest
South West London (Teddington) with the Tearfund communications team and a
bunch of other people who love Jesus and write and blog and draw things.
was a really interesting day despite a bad start (getting up late, running for
the train, getting off two stops too early, waiting half an hour for the next
train and then walking in the completely wrong direction from the train station
– a good sense of direction is not my spiritual gift).
spent the day talking with various Tearfund staff about their work and about digital
communication. To which I concluded:
- Tearfund are doing a great job
- I should probs join twitter (follow me @rachsherlyh)
of the things I learned was that Tearfund is all about resourcing the local
church. The majority of their work is carried out in conjunction with local
partners and churches. As someone who works
for a charity that resources churches to start and run foodbanks, and as
someone who believes that local community is more important and powerful than
we realise, quite why I have never thought about church and community and
international development is beyond me. But now that I have thought about it, I realise it's probs the way forward.
for the last few months I’ve been saying that I need to get a new phone (the
one I have is slowly falling apart) but haven’t been able to work out what
phone I wanted, until recently...
seems like everyone has an iphone. Everywhere I go I see people elegantly and silently
typing out text messages on their touch screen while I’m still having to press
the ‘9’ key four times just to write the letter z, and don’t get me started on
having to be patient when using a word with too many m, n or o’s in it (first
world problem or what?!). “There’s an App for that” is a phrase I’m beginning
to hear all too often. It began to seem that all my problems would be fixed if I
had an iphone. Now, I’ve never been concerned about having the latest technology
(I got an ipod for Christmas a few years ago and had to be told what it was) and tend to
avoid anything with a ridiculous amount of buttons or settings, but for some
reason I decided that an iphone was the way to go.
over lunch at Tearfund we were chatting about various things when the conversation landed
on technology. I tried to keep up, I really did, but I didn’t understand half of
what was said. My confusion must have been obvious because one of the guys
turned to me and asked if I was a techie (I presumed he meant was I into
technology not was I a Star Trek fan – but maybe that’s trekkie instead? Anyone
know?). To which I replied “No, I only use what I have to and avoid the rest.”
And just like that I realised that I didn’t need an iphone. I
think I had begun to believe the lie that because nearly everyone (it seems) has one I
probably needed one too or that it would make my life easier (because my life
is so hard as it is!). And that realisation completely cured me of wanting an
iphone. I am now content to use my current phone until it completely gives up
on me. Thank you Tearfund.
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