Thursday, 1 September 2011

Dream Like A Child

I must confess – I LOVE TED talks. I've lost many an hour watching inspiring talks given by some amazing people. I came across this one the other day:

Interesting ideas right? I want to focus on one point she made early on - "Kids can be full of inspiring aspirations and hopeful thinking... Kids don't think of the limitations of how hard it can be..."

So what’s your child-like idea? What would you create if you didn’t see limitations and had an ocean of optimism?


I would run a community centre, right in the heart of a community that doesn’t have much going for it. It would be a place that everyone goes to. A place of belonging, learning, acceptance and inspiration. A place for the very very young, the very very old and everyone in-between.

We would run English classes, healthy living classes, art classes, reading groups, youth groups, mother and baby groups, sports groups, mentoring programmes, debt counselling, a Foodbank, a drop-in centre, computer classes, dance classes, homework help classes, tutoring groups, cooking groups, a giant kids play area, a giant cafe for the grownups, a studio for all the kids into music, a skate park for all the kids into skating, a community garden and vegetable plots. A maybe, just maybe we’d have a climbing wall, gym and swimming pool. We'd have a team of social workers, mentors, counsellors and youth workers.

It would be a place of joy and community and love.

Now all I need to do is write a list of what needs to be to achieve it and start crossing things off – simple.

So while I don’t encourage being childish (unless you’re a child) I do encourage dreaming the big dreams of children and then seeing how you can make them happen.

What would your child-like idea look like?

P.S. Am I the only one intimidated by this girl?

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